It flourished from the early Meiji period as a town of mines, and yiel翻訳 - It flourished from the early Meiji period as a town of mines, and yiel日本語言う方法

It flourished from the early Meiji

It flourished from the early Meiji period as a town of mines, and yielded a lot of coal.
However, in 1955's second half and later energy revolution is in progress, the competition with imported coal, a spate of accidents, faced with the recession of the country's coal policy.
Not growth demand by the subsequent steel recession, large Yubari mining plant was closed in 1973. Subsequent closure is after another, even more in 1981 in Hokkaido coal礦汽ship was the core business office has a city one of the best scale (Kitasumi) Yubari new ore in Kitasumi Yubari generated new coal mine gas protruding accident , after Yubari such as Kitasumi Yubari coal mine Co., Ltd., which has operated a new coal mine to bankruptcy, it took a spur to the decline of the coal industry.
Domestic resources promotion measures a wide range of public and private was a pretext to overcome the oil shock does not become decisive, avalanche phenomenon to then anchor high-quality overseas resources, and each in front of the rationalization policy of the government management of coal mines will become a dwindling of business, companies one after another withdrawal from domestic coal mines.
Yubari also Mitsubishi coal mining Minami Yubari coal mine that boasted the domestic first of scale and carbonaceous was closure.
Yubari is a city that was originally opened in the mountains by the development of the coal mine, on the flat land was a large-scale farming areas not suitable for less, for industrial base other than the coal industry there was no no better, a saucer of employment without workers of youth flows out to the city, the population plummeted. The city will result in the elderly remains, but rapidly declining birthrate and aging progresses.
Yubari of population decline from its heyday.
Melon cultivation now that takes advantage of temperature difference of temperature (Yubari King), flower garden ranch, although promoting the town revitalization as a town of tourism such as Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival, it is a difficult situation.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
It flourished from the early Meiji period as a town of mines, and yielded a lot of coal. However, in 1955's second half and later energy revolution is in progress, the competition with imported coal, a spate of accidents, faced with the recession of the country's coal policy. Not growth demand by the subsequent steel recession, large Yubari mining plant was closed in 1973. Subsequent closure is after another, even more in 1981 in Hokkaido coal礦汽ship was the core business office has a city one of the best scale (Kitasumi) Yubari new ore in Kitasumi Yubari generated new coal mine gas protruding accident , after Yubari such as Kitasumi Yubari coal mine Co., Ltd., which has operated a new coal mine to bankruptcy, it took a spur to the decline of the coal industry. Domestic resources promotion measures a wide range of public and private was a pretext to overcome the oil shock does not become decisive, avalanche phenomenon to then anchor high-quality overseas resources, and each in front of the rationalization policy of the government management of coal mines will become a dwindling of business, companies one after another withdrawal from domestic coal mines. Yubari also Mitsubishi coal mining Minami Yubari coal mine that boasted the domestic first of scale and carbonaceous was closure. Yubari is a city that was originally opened in the mountains by the development of the coal mine, on the flat land was a large-scale farming areas not suitable for less, for industrial base other than the coal industry there was no no better, a saucer of employment without workers of youth flows out to the city, the population plummeted. The city will result in the elderly remains, but rapidly declining birthrate and aging progresses. Yubari of population decline from its heyday. Melon cultivation now that takes advantage of temperature difference of temperature (Yubari King), flower garden ranch, although promoting the town revitalization as a town of tourism such as Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival, it is a difficult situation.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
その後の鉄鋼不況によってはありません成長の需要、大夕張鉱業所は1973年以降の閉鎖に閉鎖された船は ​​、コア事業所は、都市の1つを有した汽礦北海道石炭でさらに1981年に、別の後でKitasumi夕張で最高のスケール(Kitasumi)夕張新鉱が事故を突出新しい炭鉱ガスを生成し、そのような破産に新しい炭鉱を運営していKitasumi夕張炭鉱株式会社として夕張た後、それは衰退に拍車を取りました石炭産業の。
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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